Request your free trial today

You can't stop what you can't see

A free no commitment trial

In order to realise the true value of our MDR for Email service we offer a free 4 week trial. In this time we conduct a compromise assessment where we scan back 90 days to uncover any threats that evaded your current email security defences. 

We then provide you with a baseline phishing exercise at the beginning of the trial using real world attacks that have been discovered in your network and industry. 

Included in the trial are phishing training exercises which will educate you and your staff to the dangers of Phishing and increase your awareness of threats. 

In addition to training we provide an in-mail reporting button and a suspicious email warning banner which alerts people to suspicious emails. We will communicate all of these changes to your staff through training videos and collateral. 

Outcomes of the trial

  • Summary of threats from the compromise assessment 
  • Understanding of threats that are targeting your organisation 
  • Understanding of the security awareness of your employees 
  • An email risk score
  • Top targeted users

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Start protecting your emails today