Managed Private Access 

Securely access all your applications wherever you are


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The ultimate cloud security 

Bleam Secure Private Access is a cloud service powered by Zscaler technology  to provide fast and secure access to private applications running on- prem or in the public cloud.

The service provides access based on four key principles: 

Application access should be based on the principle of least privilege and should not require full network access

Reverse connections should be used to make
applications visible only to authorised users

Application segmentation restricts users to specific applications and limits east to west movement on a network

The internet is an extension of the corporate network

Solution Overview 

Bleam Secure Private access overcomes the challenges faced by organisations when using traditional network architectures. 

Our solution prevents users having direct network access, which decreases the risk of lateral movement and breaches. 

Bleam managed secure private access provides a much more positive user experience.  

Bleam Private access allows you to inspect 100% of encrypted traffic. 

We also provide visibility across a multitude of applications. 

Proficient young male employee with eyeglasses and checkered shirt, explaining a business analysis displayed on the monitor of a desktop PC to his female colleague, in the interior of a modern office

A cloud first world

We are living in a cloud-first world but are still
using security appliances designed to protect
all applications on your network.

Fixed perimeters have eroded and no longer
exist, yet you still need to protect users from
cyber threats wherever they might be working
from, whether that is the office or remotely.

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Managed Service levels 

We are delivering market leading and enterprise standard security services to organisations of all sizes.

Bleam are passionate that robust cyber protection should be accessible to organisations of all sizes, not just reserved for the large multinational corporations. 


Fundamentals Complete
Bleam Managed Secure Access

Service Reporting
Security Event Notification
Policy Management and Adjustment
Threat Enrichment
Using Bleam threat intelligence
Dedicated Support Engineer


       How can we help?

Make bleam managed secure access part of your security stack

Key features 


Supports a mobile-first, cloud-first, network transformation strategy

Seamless integration and installation 

Applications are invisible to unauthorised users

Enables phasing out of legacy VPNs

URL address filtering, content filtering and malware blocking

Requires no changes to your current